Machine Learning-Clustering

An example of a machine learning model for dimensionality reduction

Karis Cox- from the class of Dr. Hunt

Clustering Models

Clustering is an unsupervised learning method used in machine learning. Unsupervised means there is not a target in mind. Rather, we are simply noticing the patterns in the data. In the following examples, I use K-means clustering, which makes centers in the data and assigns all data points to the closest center. The data points are then classified based on their center. I use 2, 3, and 4 cluster centers to see how well the data is centered around these cluster centers.

Two Cluster Centers

This is the full data set based on 2 clusters in a table form.

  kableExtra::scroll_box(width = "100%",height="300px")
Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species Cluster
1 -0.9564672 0.9771265 -1.3544131 -1.3132658 setosa 1
4 -1.6037007 0.0955086 -1.2964772 -1.3132658 setosa 1
5 -1.0859139 1.1975310 -1.3544131 -1.3132658 setosa 1
6 -0.5681271 1.8587444 -1.1806053 -1.0485537 setosa 1
8 -1.0859139 0.7567220 -1.2964772 -1.3132658 setosa 1
9 -1.8625941 -0.3453004 -1.3544131 -1.3132658 setosa 1
10 -1.2153606 0.0955086 -1.2964772 -1.4456218 setosa 1
11 -0.5681271 1.4179355 -1.2964772 -1.3132658 setosa 1
12 -1.3448073 0.7567220 -1.2385412 -1.3132658 setosa 1
15 -0.0503404 2.0791489 -1.4702849 -1.3132658 setosa 1
17 -0.5681271 1.8587444 -1.4123490 -1.0485537 setosa 1
18 -0.9564672 0.9771265 -1.3544131 -1.1809098 setosa 1
19 -0.1797871 1.6383400 -1.1806053 -1.1809098 setosa 1
20 -0.9564672 1.6383400 -1.2964772 -1.1809098 setosa 1
21 -0.5681271 0.7567220 -1.1806053 -1.3132658 setosa 1
22 -0.9564672 1.4179355 -1.2964772 -1.0485537 setosa 1
26 -1.0859139 -0.1248959 -1.2385412 -1.3132658 setosa 1
28 -0.8270205 0.9771265 -1.2964772 -1.3132658 setosa 1
31 -1.3448073 0.0955086 -1.2385412 -1.3132658 setosa 1
32 -0.5681271 0.7567220 -1.2964772 -1.0485537 setosa 1
33 -0.8270205 2.2995534 -1.2964772 -1.4456218 setosa 1
35 -1.2153606 0.0955086 -1.2964772 -1.3132658 setosa 1
36 -1.0859139 0.3159131 -1.4702849 -1.3132658 setosa 1
37 -0.4386805 0.9771265 -1.4123490 -1.3132658 setosa 1
40 -0.9564672 0.7567220 -1.2964772 -1.3132658 setosa 1
42 -1.7331474 -1.6677272 -1.4123490 -1.1809098 setosa 1
44 -1.0859139 0.9771265 -1.2385412 -0.7838417 setosa 1
45 -0.9564672 1.6383400 -1.0647335 -1.0485537 setosa 1
47 -0.9564672 1.6383400 -1.2385412 -1.3132658 setosa 1
50 -1.0859139 0.5363176 -1.3544131 -1.3132658 setosa 1
54 -0.4386805 -1.6677272 0.1519209 0.1426504 versicolor 2
55 0.8557865 -0.5657048 0.4995364 0.4073624 versicolor 2
58 -1.2153606 -1.4473227 -0.2536306 -0.2544177 versicolor 2
59 0.9852331 -0.3453004 0.4995364 0.1426504 versicolor 2
60 -0.8270205 -0.7861093 0.0939849 0.2750064 versicolor 2
61 -1.0859139 -2.3289407 -0.1377587 -0.2544177 versicolor 2
62 0.0791063 -0.1248959 0.2677927 0.4073624 versicolor 2
63 0.2085530 -1.8881317 0.1519209 -0.2544177 versicolor 2
64 0.3379997 -0.3453004 0.5574723 0.2750064 versicolor 2
66 1.1146798 0.0955086 0.3836645 0.2750064 versicolor 2
67 -0.3092338 -0.1248959 0.4416005 0.4073624 versicolor 2
68 -0.0503404 -0.7861093 0.2098568 -0.2544177 versicolor 2
69 0.4674464 -1.8881317 0.4416005 0.4073624 versicolor 2
70 -0.3092338 -1.2269183 0.0939849 -0.1220617 versicolor 2
72 0.3379997 -0.5657048 0.1519209 0.1426504 versicolor 2
76 0.9852331 -0.1248959 0.3836645 0.2750064 versicolor 2
77 1.2441265 -0.5657048 0.6154082 0.2750064 versicolor 2
79 0.2085530 -0.3453004 0.4416005 0.4073624 versicolor 2
80 -0.1797871 -1.0065138 -0.1377587 -0.2544177 versicolor 2
81 -0.4386805 -1.4473227 0.0360490 -0.1220617 versicolor 2
84 0.2085530 -0.7861093 0.7892160 0.5397184 versicolor 2
85 -0.5681271 -0.1248959 0.4416005 0.4073624 versicolor 2
86 0.2085530 0.7567220 0.4416005 0.5397184 versicolor 2
87 1.1146798 0.0955086 0.5574723 0.4073624 versicolor 2
89 -0.3092338 -0.1248959 0.2098568 0.1426504 versicolor 2
90 -0.4386805 -1.2269183 0.1519209 0.1426504 versicolor 2
92 0.3379997 -0.1248959 0.4995364 0.2750064 versicolor 2
93 -0.0503404 -1.0065138 0.1519209 0.0102944 versicolor 2
96 -0.1797871 -0.1248959 0.2677927 0.0102944 versicolor 2
97 -0.1797871 -0.3453004 0.2677927 0.1426504 versicolor 2
102 -0.0503404 -0.7861093 0.7892160 0.9367864 virginica 2
106 2.2797001 -0.1248959 1.6582548 1.2014985 virginica 2
107 -1.2153606 -1.2269183 0.4416005 0.6720744 virginica 2
109 1.1146798 -1.2269183 1.1947674 0.8044304 virginica 2
110 1.7619133 1.1975310 1.3685752 1.7309225 virginica 2
111 0.8557865 0.3159131 0.7892160 1.0691425 virginica 2
112 0.7263398 -0.7861093 0.9050878 0.9367864 virginica 2
115 -0.0503404 -0.5657048 0.7892160 1.5985665 virginica 2
116 0.7263398 0.3159131 0.9050878 1.4662105 virginica 2
119 2.4091467 -1.0065138 1.8320626 1.4662105 virginica 2
121 1.3735732 0.3159131 1.1368315 1.4662105 virginica 2
124 0.5968931 -0.7861093 0.6733441 0.8044304 virginica 2
126 1.7619133 0.3159131 1.3106393 0.8044304 virginica 2
127 0.4674464 -0.5657048 0.6154082 0.8044304 virginica 2
128 0.3379997 -0.1248959 0.6733441 0.8044304 virginica 2
130 1.7619133 -0.1248959 1.1947674 0.5397184 virginica 2
131 2.0208067 -0.5657048 1.3685752 0.9367864 virginica 2
132 2.6680401 1.6383400 1.5423830 1.0691425 virginica 2
133 0.7263398 -0.5657048 1.0788956 1.3338545 virginica 2
134 0.5968931 -0.5657048 0.7892160 0.4073624 virginica 2
135 0.3379997 -1.0065138 1.0788956 0.2750064 virginica 2
137 0.5968931 0.7567220 1.0788956 1.5985665 virginica 2
139 0.2085530 -0.1248959 0.6154082 0.8044304 virginica 2
143 -0.0503404 -0.7861093 0.7892160 0.9367864 virginica 2
144 1.2441265 0.3159131 1.2527034 1.4662105 virginica 2
145 1.1146798 0.5363176 1.1368315 1.7309225 virginica 2
146 1.1146798 -0.1248959 0.8471519 1.4662105 virginica 2
147 0.5968931 -1.2269183 0.7312801 0.9367864 virginica 2
149 0.4674464 0.7567220 0.9630237 1.4662105 virginica 2
150 0.0791063 -0.1248959 0.7892160 0.8044304 virginica 2

Here are a few graphic representations showing how the data is split when 2 clusters are used. As you can see, it splits one of the species pretty accurately. However, the other 2 do not split well when only two clusters are used.

ggplot(data=Clusterdata,mapping = aes(x=Sepal.Width,y=Petal.Width,color=Cluster))+geom_point(alpha=0.5)

ggplot(data=Clusterdata,mapping = aes(x=Sepal.Width,y=Petal.Width,color=Cluster))+geom_point(alpha=0.5)+facet_wrap(~Species)

ggplot(data=Clusterdata,mapping = aes(x=Sepal.Width,y=Petal.Width,color=Species))+geom_point(alpha=0.5) + 
  geom_point($centers), aes(color="Cluster center"), size=5) + theme(legend.title = element_blank())+ggtitle("Iris Cluster Demonstration")

Three Cluster Centers

This is a table of the data when 3 data clusters are used.

  kableExtra::scroll_box(width = "100%",height="300px")
Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species Cluster
1 -0.9564672 0.9771265 -1.3544131 -1.3132658 setosa 3
4 -1.6037007 0.0955086 -1.2964772 -1.3132658 setosa 3
5 -1.0859139 1.1975310 -1.3544131 -1.3132658 setosa 3
6 -0.5681271 1.8587444 -1.1806053 -1.0485537 setosa 3
8 -1.0859139 0.7567220 -1.2964772 -1.3132658 setosa 3
9 -1.8625941 -0.3453004 -1.3544131 -1.3132658 setosa 3
10 -1.2153606 0.0955086 -1.2964772 -1.4456218 setosa 3
11 -0.5681271 1.4179355 -1.2964772 -1.3132658 setosa 3
12 -1.3448073 0.7567220 -1.2385412 -1.3132658 setosa 3
15 -0.0503404 2.0791489 -1.4702849 -1.3132658 setosa 3
17 -0.5681271 1.8587444 -1.4123490 -1.0485537 setosa 3
18 -0.9564672 0.9771265 -1.3544131 -1.1809098 setosa 3
19 -0.1797871 1.6383400 -1.1806053 -1.1809098 setosa 3
20 -0.9564672 1.6383400 -1.2964772 -1.1809098 setosa 3
21 -0.5681271 0.7567220 -1.1806053 -1.3132658 setosa 3
22 -0.9564672 1.4179355 -1.2964772 -1.0485537 setosa 3
26 -1.0859139 -0.1248959 -1.2385412 -1.3132658 setosa 3
28 -0.8270205 0.9771265 -1.2964772 -1.3132658 setosa 3
31 -1.3448073 0.0955086 -1.2385412 -1.3132658 setosa 3
32 -0.5681271 0.7567220 -1.2964772 -1.0485537 setosa 3
33 -0.8270205 2.2995534 -1.2964772 -1.4456218 setosa 3
35 -1.2153606 0.0955086 -1.2964772 -1.3132658 setosa 3
36 -1.0859139 0.3159131 -1.4702849 -1.3132658 setosa 3
37 -0.4386805 0.9771265 -1.4123490 -1.3132658 setosa 3
40 -0.9564672 0.7567220 -1.2964772 -1.3132658 setosa 3
42 -1.7331474 -1.6677272 -1.4123490 -1.1809098 setosa 3
44 -1.0859139 0.9771265 -1.2385412 -0.7838417 setosa 3
45 -0.9564672 1.6383400 -1.0647335 -1.0485537 setosa 3
47 -0.9564672 1.6383400 -1.2385412 -1.3132658 setosa 3
50 -1.0859139 0.5363176 -1.3544131 -1.3132658 setosa 3
54 -0.4386805 -1.6677272 0.1519209 0.1426504 versicolor 2
55 0.8557865 -0.5657048 0.4995364 0.4073624 versicolor 1
58 -1.2153606 -1.4473227 -0.2536306 -0.2544177 versicolor 2
59 0.9852331 -0.3453004 0.4995364 0.1426504 versicolor 1
60 -0.8270205 -0.7861093 0.0939849 0.2750064 versicolor 2
61 -1.0859139 -2.3289407 -0.1377587 -0.2544177 versicolor 2
62 0.0791063 -0.1248959 0.2677927 0.4073624 versicolor 2
63 0.2085530 -1.8881317 0.1519209 -0.2544177 versicolor 2
64 0.3379997 -0.3453004 0.5574723 0.2750064 versicolor 2
66 1.1146798 0.0955086 0.3836645 0.2750064 versicolor 1
67 -0.3092338 -0.1248959 0.4416005 0.4073624 versicolor 2
68 -0.0503404 -0.7861093 0.2098568 -0.2544177 versicolor 2
69 0.4674464 -1.8881317 0.4416005 0.4073624 versicolor 2
70 -0.3092338 -1.2269183 0.0939849 -0.1220617 versicolor 2
72 0.3379997 -0.5657048 0.1519209 0.1426504 versicolor 2
76 0.9852331 -0.1248959 0.3836645 0.2750064 versicolor 1
77 1.2441265 -0.5657048 0.6154082 0.2750064 versicolor 1
79 0.2085530 -0.3453004 0.4416005 0.4073624 versicolor 2
80 -0.1797871 -1.0065138 -0.1377587 -0.2544177 versicolor 2
81 -0.4386805 -1.4473227 0.0360490 -0.1220617 versicolor 2
84 0.2085530 -0.7861093 0.7892160 0.5397184 versicolor 2
85 -0.5681271 -0.1248959 0.4416005 0.4073624 versicolor 2
86 0.2085530 0.7567220 0.4416005 0.5397184 versicolor 1
87 1.1146798 0.0955086 0.5574723 0.4073624 versicolor 1
89 -0.3092338 -0.1248959 0.2098568 0.1426504 versicolor 2
90 -0.4386805 -1.2269183 0.1519209 0.1426504 versicolor 2
92 0.3379997 -0.1248959 0.4995364 0.2750064 versicolor 2
93 -0.0503404 -1.0065138 0.1519209 0.0102944 versicolor 2
96 -0.1797871 -0.1248959 0.2677927 0.0102944 versicolor 2
97 -0.1797871 -0.3453004 0.2677927 0.1426504 versicolor 2
102 -0.0503404 -0.7861093 0.7892160 0.9367864 virginica 2
106 2.2797001 -0.1248959 1.6582548 1.2014985 virginica 1
107 -1.2153606 -1.2269183 0.4416005 0.6720744 virginica 2
109 1.1146798 -1.2269183 1.1947674 0.8044304 virginica 1
110 1.7619133 1.1975310 1.3685752 1.7309225 virginica 1
111 0.8557865 0.3159131 0.7892160 1.0691425 virginica 1
112 0.7263398 -0.7861093 0.9050878 0.9367864 virginica 1
115 -0.0503404 -0.5657048 0.7892160 1.5985665 virginica 1
116 0.7263398 0.3159131 0.9050878 1.4662105 virginica 1
119 2.4091467 -1.0065138 1.8320626 1.4662105 virginica 1
121 1.3735732 0.3159131 1.1368315 1.4662105 virginica 1
124 0.5968931 -0.7861093 0.6733441 0.8044304 virginica 1
126 1.7619133 0.3159131 1.3106393 0.8044304 virginica 1
127 0.4674464 -0.5657048 0.6154082 0.8044304 virginica 1
128 0.3379997 -0.1248959 0.6733441 0.8044304 virginica 1
130 1.7619133 -0.1248959 1.1947674 0.5397184 virginica 1
131 2.0208067 -0.5657048 1.3685752 0.9367864 virginica 1
132 2.6680401 1.6383400 1.5423830 1.0691425 virginica 1
133 0.7263398 -0.5657048 1.0788956 1.3338545 virginica 1
134 0.5968931 -0.5657048 0.7892160 0.4073624 virginica 1
135 0.3379997 -1.0065138 1.0788956 0.2750064 virginica 2
137 0.5968931 0.7567220 1.0788956 1.5985665 virginica 1
139 0.2085530 -0.1248959 0.6154082 0.8044304 virginica 1
143 -0.0503404 -0.7861093 0.7892160 0.9367864 virginica 2
144 1.2441265 0.3159131 1.2527034 1.4662105 virginica 1
145 1.1146798 0.5363176 1.1368315 1.7309225 virginica 1
146 1.1146798 -0.1248959 0.8471519 1.4662105 virginica 1
147 0.5968931 -1.2269183 0.7312801 0.9367864 virginica 2
149 0.4674464 0.7567220 0.9630237 1.4662105 virginica 1
150 0.0791063 -0.1248959 0.7892160 0.8044304 virginica 1

These graphs show how the data is split when 3 clusters are used rather than 2. As you can see, using 3 centers allows for a more accurate split of the data.

ggplot(data=Clusterdata,mapping = aes(x=Sepal.Width,y=Petal.Width,color=Cluster))+geom_point(alpha=0.5)

ggplot(data=Clusterdata,mapping = aes(x=Sepal.Width,y=Petal.Width,color=Cluster))+geom_point(alpha=0.5)+facet_wrap(~Species)

ggplot(data=Clusterdata,mapping = aes(x=Sepal.Width,y=Petal.Width,color=Species))+geom_point(alpha=0.5) + 
  geom_point($centers), aes(color="Cluster center"), size=5) + theme(legend.title = element_blank())+ggtitle("Iris Cluster Demonstration")

Four Cluster Centers

And lastly, here is a table form of the data when 4 clusters are used.

  kableExtra::scroll_box(width = "100%",height="300px")
Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species Cluster
1 -0.9564672 0.9771265 -1.3544131 -1.3132658 setosa 4
4 -1.6037007 0.0955086 -1.2964772 -1.3132658 setosa 4
5 -1.0859139 1.1975310 -1.3544131 -1.3132658 setosa 4
6 -0.5681271 1.8587444 -1.1806053 -1.0485537 setosa 4
8 -1.0859139 0.7567220 -1.2964772 -1.3132658 setosa 4
9 -1.8625941 -0.3453004 -1.3544131 -1.3132658 setosa 4
10 -1.2153606 0.0955086 -1.2964772 -1.4456218 setosa 4
11 -0.5681271 1.4179355 -1.2964772 -1.3132658 setosa 4
12 -1.3448073 0.7567220 -1.2385412 -1.3132658 setosa 4
15 -0.0503404 2.0791489 -1.4702849 -1.3132658 setosa 4
17 -0.5681271 1.8587444 -1.4123490 -1.0485537 setosa 4
18 -0.9564672 0.9771265 -1.3544131 -1.1809098 setosa 4
19 -0.1797871 1.6383400 -1.1806053 -1.1809098 setosa 4
20 -0.9564672 1.6383400 -1.2964772 -1.1809098 setosa 4
21 -0.5681271 0.7567220 -1.1806053 -1.3132658 setosa 4
22 -0.9564672 1.4179355 -1.2964772 -1.0485537 setosa 4
26 -1.0859139 -0.1248959 -1.2385412 -1.3132658 setosa 4
28 -0.8270205 0.9771265 -1.2964772 -1.3132658 setosa 4
31 -1.3448073 0.0955086 -1.2385412 -1.3132658 setosa 4
32 -0.5681271 0.7567220 -1.2964772 -1.0485537 setosa 4
33 -0.8270205 2.2995534 -1.2964772 -1.4456218 setosa 4
35 -1.2153606 0.0955086 -1.2964772 -1.3132658 setosa 4
36 -1.0859139 0.3159131 -1.4702849 -1.3132658 setosa 4
37 -0.4386805 0.9771265 -1.4123490 -1.3132658 setosa 4
40 -0.9564672 0.7567220 -1.2964772 -1.3132658 setosa 4
42 -1.7331474 -1.6677272 -1.4123490 -1.1809098 setosa 2
44 -1.0859139 0.9771265 -1.2385412 -0.7838417 setosa 4
45 -0.9564672 1.6383400 -1.0647335 -1.0485537 setosa 4
47 -0.9564672 1.6383400 -1.2385412 -1.3132658 setosa 4
50 -1.0859139 0.5363176 -1.3544131 -1.3132658 setosa 4
54 -0.4386805 -1.6677272 0.1519209 0.1426504 versicolor 2
55 0.8557865 -0.5657048 0.4995364 0.4073624 versicolor 1
58 -1.2153606 -1.4473227 -0.2536306 -0.2544177 versicolor 2
59 0.9852331 -0.3453004 0.4995364 0.1426504 versicolor 1
60 -0.8270205 -0.7861093 0.0939849 0.2750064 versicolor 2
61 -1.0859139 -2.3289407 -0.1377587 -0.2544177 versicolor 2
62 0.0791063 -0.1248959 0.2677927 0.4073624 versicolor 1
63 0.2085530 -1.8881317 0.1519209 -0.2544177 versicolor 2
64 0.3379997 -0.3453004 0.5574723 0.2750064 versicolor 1
66 1.1146798 0.0955086 0.3836645 0.2750064 versicolor 1
67 -0.3092338 -0.1248959 0.4416005 0.4073624 versicolor 1
68 -0.0503404 -0.7861093 0.2098568 -0.2544177 versicolor 2
69 0.4674464 -1.8881317 0.4416005 0.4073624 versicolor 2
70 -0.3092338 -1.2269183 0.0939849 -0.1220617 versicolor 2
72 0.3379997 -0.5657048 0.1519209 0.1426504 versicolor 1
76 0.9852331 -0.1248959 0.3836645 0.2750064 versicolor 1
77 1.2441265 -0.5657048 0.6154082 0.2750064 versicolor 1
79 0.2085530 -0.3453004 0.4416005 0.4073624 versicolor 1
80 -0.1797871 -1.0065138 -0.1377587 -0.2544177 versicolor 2
81 -0.4386805 -1.4473227 0.0360490 -0.1220617 versicolor 2
84 0.2085530 -0.7861093 0.7892160 0.5397184 versicolor 1
85 -0.5681271 -0.1248959 0.4416005 0.4073624 versicolor 1
86 0.2085530 0.7567220 0.4416005 0.5397184 versicolor 1
87 1.1146798 0.0955086 0.5574723 0.4073624 versicolor 1
89 -0.3092338 -0.1248959 0.2098568 0.1426504 versicolor 1
90 -0.4386805 -1.2269183 0.1519209 0.1426504 versicolor 2
92 0.3379997 -0.1248959 0.4995364 0.2750064 versicolor 1
93 -0.0503404 -1.0065138 0.1519209 0.0102944 versicolor 2
96 -0.1797871 -0.1248959 0.2677927 0.0102944 versicolor 1
97 -0.1797871 -0.3453004 0.2677927 0.1426504 versicolor 1
102 -0.0503404 -0.7861093 0.7892160 0.9367864 virginica 1
106 2.2797001 -0.1248959 1.6582548 1.2014985 virginica 3
107 -1.2153606 -1.2269183 0.4416005 0.6720744 virginica 2
109 1.1146798 -1.2269183 1.1947674 0.8044304 virginica 1
110 1.7619133 1.1975310 1.3685752 1.7309225 virginica 3
111 0.8557865 0.3159131 0.7892160 1.0691425 virginica 3
112 0.7263398 -0.7861093 0.9050878 0.9367864 virginica 1
115 -0.0503404 -0.5657048 0.7892160 1.5985665 virginica 1
116 0.7263398 0.3159131 0.9050878 1.4662105 virginica 3
119 2.4091467 -1.0065138 1.8320626 1.4662105 virginica 3
121 1.3735732 0.3159131 1.1368315 1.4662105 virginica 3
124 0.5968931 -0.7861093 0.6733441 0.8044304 virginica 1
126 1.7619133 0.3159131 1.3106393 0.8044304 virginica 3
127 0.4674464 -0.5657048 0.6154082 0.8044304 virginica 1
128 0.3379997 -0.1248959 0.6733441 0.8044304 virginica 1
130 1.7619133 -0.1248959 1.1947674 0.5397184 virginica 3
131 2.0208067 -0.5657048 1.3685752 0.9367864 virginica 3
132 2.6680401 1.6383400 1.5423830 1.0691425 virginica 3
133 0.7263398 -0.5657048 1.0788956 1.3338545 virginica 1
134 0.5968931 -0.5657048 0.7892160 0.4073624 virginica 1
135 0.3379997 -1.0065138 1.0788956 0.2750064 virginica 1
137 0.5968931 0.7567220 1.0788956 1.5985665 virginica 3
139 0.2085530 -0.1248959 0.6154082 0.8044304 virginica 1
143 -0.0503404 -0.7861093 0.7892160 0.9367864 virginica 1
144 1.2441265 0.3159131 1.2527034 1.4662105 virginica 3
145 1.1146798 0.5363176 1.1368315 1.7309225 virginica 3
146 1.1146798 -0.1248959 0.8471519 1.4662105 virginica 3
147 0.5968931 -1.2269183 0.7312801 0.9367864 virginica 1
149 0.4674464 0.7567220 0.9630237 1.4662105 virginica 3
150 0.0791063 -0.1248959 0.7892160 0.8044304 virginica 1

Here are some visual representations of what the data would look like when split between 4 cluster centers. Because there are only 3 species, 4 cluster centers does not prove to be extra beneficial.

ggplot(data=Clusterdata,mapping = aes(x=Sepal.Width,y=Petal.Width,color=Cluster))+geom_point(alpha=0.5)

ggplot(data=Clusterdata,mapping = aes(x=Sepal.Width,y=Petal.Width,color=Cluster))+geom_point(alpha=0.5)+facet_wrap(~Species)

ggplot(data=Clusterdata,mapping = aes(x=Sepal.Width,y=Petal.Width,color=Species))+geom_point(alpha=0.5) + 
  geom_point($centers), aes(color="Cluster center"), size=5) + theme(legend.title = element_blank())+ggtitle("Iris Cluster Demonstration")

Clustering in the Real World

I have demonstrated how clustering can be used in machine learning, but what are some ways that this can be used in the real world? There are many scenarios when clustering could be beneficial. It is often used in marketing to identify households or individuals who are similar to each other to better understand how they need to market certain products to them. The same goes for streaming services. Businesses like Netflix and Hulu use clustering to identify subscribers who tend to watch similar shows or movies so they can provide better recommendations to them. It can also be used in the insurance industry. Insurance providers can identify households who are in the same cluster to see how similar they are based on how they use their insurance throughout the year. The insurance company can then set monthly premiums for a whole group based on their similar actions. Clustering also proves to be beneficial to the profession of accounting. Specifically, it can be used in auditing to identify outliers. This allows auditors to examine those numbers more closely and see what they are so high/low.